“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.” –Margaret Mead

What brought you to this site? It could be personal, like an unrelenting storm that dumped a lake of water in an hour, the likes of which you’d never really experienced? Or perhaps your child’s eyes were stinging from wildfire smoke last summer? Or maybe the increasingly alarming news articles quoting top scientists tracking the global temperature records being broken month after month made you search for climate change and here you are.

No matter how you got here, we’re glad you did. Climate change is scary, it’s real, and it’s here — now.

But there’s something else that’s true, too.

Today, right now, at this second in time, we have all the technology and the systems to stop using fossil fuels.

The clean energy transition is happening — it just needs to happen faster. There’s good news — when we stop burning fossil fuels and instead power our homes, our transport, and our businesses with energy from wind, solar, and geothermal sources, the temperature of the Earth will stop rising.

If we let the natural carbon sinks — the oceans and forests that absorb CO2 — do their job, the temperature of the Earth will begin to return to pre-Industrial levels within three decades, according to the best scientistific estimates.

This is a place to turn the desire to “work on climate” into a reality, and to connect to others who feel some of the same urgency. We need to mobilize politically, as the largest grassroots effort in history, to pry ourselves loose from the fossil fuel interests that are trying to keep us on a path to disaster. Together, we can.

This site is to facilitate a diverse community of people united in the desire to do something. By working together, we amplify our impact. #climateaction